Sunday, May 22, 2011


It’s Sunday morning, and I have a work-induced version of a hangover. Can I call it a “workover”? Last night was ridiculously busy. It started out well. In fact, the first couple of hours were spent reading this book called The Crime of Reason  that I had just grabbed at the Claremont Library on Friday afternoon. At 149 pages, (followed by 28 pages of footnotes; but you don’t need to read the footnotes) it’s one of those short books so full of serious ideas that it’s the literary equivalent of a suitcase nuke.

The author is a physicist who says that in our information-driven brave new world (sorry, Aldous) all of the basic tenets of what makes human society work are being turned on their head—and that’s not a good thing. He talks about how modern corporations and governments are copyrighting and patenting—and even criminalizing information, when in fact this is counterproductive, pointless, and it leaves only dishonest people i.e. corporations and criminals with the ability to use scientific knowledge in a profitable manner.

I highly recommend this book.

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